Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tomorrow is "H day"

I haven't forgotten the blog. I just literally have had nothing to update. PT is still going great and Brandon is making awesome progress with his neck strength and range of motion.

After a helmet casting- the cast is sent out to OrthoAmerica, where they construct the helmets. We got the call Monday evening that B's helmet is ready. He gets it on Thursday afternoon, aka tomorrow. That means only 24 more hours of being a Debbie Downer about it. I plan on keeping my promise of optimism once it's on and to just enjoy the progress. It's not like I am all the sudden okay with the idea of the helmet- it had just kind of gotten pushed aside in my mind with taking care of 2 teething infants and a wacky toddler on 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night. Now that it's tomorrow I can't get it out of my head and I feel so, so sad again for little B. He has turned into literally the sweetest, most lovable baby boy. Justin will be throwing a tantrum about something and Natalie will be screaming for a bottle... Brandon- he'll be laying on his little blankie, playing with his hands coo'ing. My mom says he'll adjust to the helmet better than I will and she's right, haha. Lucky he has his dad's laid back, flexible personality.

B's sticker kit for his helmet came today and it's adorable. I got it from "Bling your Band" online. The pictures of the little ones on the website are SOO cute- these babies are rocking their helmets. I've probably been on their fb page about 100x to try to convince myself that the helmet is cute and the babies look happy.

Since B is only 5 months old- which is actually the optimal age to begin wearing a "cranial orthotic". We will start him with a wean on schedule, adding a few hours daily- working up to the 23 hours a day recommendation. We will need weekly visits for adjustments for weeks 1-3 and then hopefully not again until week 6. Most babies who start their helmets between 4-6 months have them off in 6-8mths.

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